Falkut and fruit distribution
As a part of social duty, with the inspiration of Sadguruvarya Shastri Shree Madhavpriyadasji Swami, students of SGVP Dharmajivan Hostel organized a Falkut – offering of various fruits in large quantity to distribute in hospitals and to underprivileged people.
During the Dhanur Maas on 06 Jan 2019, SGVP students organized a Falkut consisting 3000 Kgs of fruits and offered to Shree Ram-Shyam-Ghanshyam. Then students personally visited civil hospital at S-G Highway and other places and distributed entire Falkut - 30 kinds of various fruits & 3000 kgs in weight.
20 students voluntarily spent 200 human hours to gather up and distribute the fruits.
Shree Dharmajivan Charitable Trust (SGVP Gurukul USA) provide the partial fund for the activity. We are very thankful for the donors who generously donate for the cause.

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