SGVP INTERNATIONAL GURUKUL is going To START in USA. It's most historical moments.
The USA based "DHARMJIVAN MISSION TRUST" has started SGVP Gurukul educational community, spiritual and cultural center In SAVANNAH - GEORGIA at huge 50 acres land With under guidance and inspirations Of H.H. Swami Madhavapriyadasiji.
At this Start up program Mahapuja is performed at new campus of SGVP international Gurukul : in divine presence of Swami Madhavapriyadasiji (President of SGVP),
Swami Balkrishnadasji And Purani Swamiji have given telephonic blessings.
There was already new built church with 20 acres huge lake And 30 acres open land. Swamiji said in his inspiring speech that this lush and green campus is just like very peaceful and blissful spiritual resort.
It's happened only By grace of Shri Hari Our great Gurus Shastriji Maharaj : Jogi swami : Purani Swami and selfless Support from devotees.
This day is golden day in history of Gurukul and USA. It will be unique educational, spiritual and cultural center for Bhartiya Sanskruti.
It will be a golden bridge between two countries INDIA And USA
Main Suporter and trusties Dr V Dhaduk from Pennsylvania: Dr Jay Harkhani from salisbury: Dr Jeram Kankotia, Vijay Solanki from Florida, Manubhai from Jacksonville and local devoted Devotees Brothers and sisters were present at this historical moments.